Indigenous and Endangered Plant and Animal Species within the Philippines

The Philippines is admittedly one of the richest countries in the world in terms of biodiversity. Biodiversity is an important characteristic of ecosystem that is related to the number of different species they contain. It is the wealth of all living things on Earth today that is the product of millions of years of evolutionary period and history.

Philippine Eagle
Pithecophagajefferyi (The Philippine Eagle) Reference: Google

Despite Philippines as one of the richest country in terms of biodiversity, there are still a number of plants and animals who are endangered, like the Philippine Eagle also known as the monkey-eating eagle. Though like a king of the forest this eagle is among the most powerful of birds. Our very own national bird of the Philippines has become one of the rarest. Foremost cause for this populations decimation is habitat loss. Another endangered animals in the Philippines are the Visayan Warty Pig, tamaraw, Philippine Naked-backed Fruit bat, Philippine forest turtle, the Red-vented cockatoo, the hawksbill sea turtle and many more. Continue reading Indigenous and Endangered Plant and Animal Species within the Philippines

Ecological Degradation and Measures Taken Towards Rehabilitation within One’s Community

Air Pollution from factories
Air Pollution from factories (reference:

 Based on my research, Degradation of large natural environments is when one ecosystem is under attack as a result of natural or man-made disaster. It is extremely difficult to count the ripple effects throughout nature. Environments in many regions are threatened, despite their biological richness and their promise of material benefits. We humans have contributed to this ecological degradation. Since, planet, animals and environment are all interdependent, changes that take place in the ecosystem will have a negative effect on the living creatures and this planet. Therefore we need to minimize this human actions in order to see a brighter and safer planet tomorrow. We need to breathe in fresh air which is not possible with the excessive burning up of fossil fuels. This is choking different species and there are extreme climatic changes.

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Personal Action Plan to Achieve Ecological Sustainability


Sustainable development starts with the idea that the most sustainable aim for all is a better quality of life for everyone, not only now, but for future generations to come. To achieve this, sustainable development is concerned with achieving economic growth, in a form of higher living standards. It is definitely not about hair, shirts, and shrimping and saving, or punishing ourselves for enjoying the use of the world’s resources now. But it is about our protecting and where possible enhancing the environment, not just for its own sake but for our own enlightened self-interest, because a damaged environment would quite soon begin to whole economic growth and lower the quality of life.

1. Reducing consumption of resources – such as water and energy

– There must be a turning away from the principles of unlimited consumption of resources. We must recognize that resources are finite and will run out at present rates of consumption

Continue reading Personal Action Plan to Achieve Ecological Sustainability

think globally, act locally